#039: Batteries and Cybertrucks

Welcome back to the Measuring Up Podcast! On today’s show:

  • Andy is getting old and falling to pieces
  • Venice flooding and clever wellies
  • A brick laying question for our listeners?
  • Can you earn money as a hobby without becoming self employed?
  • Cash vs accrual accounts
  • The time served thing… case closed?
  • Black Friday
  • Makers Central is back?
  • Instagram MLM scams – stop following scammy channels!
  • Tesla Cybertruck – the Marmite truck? Love it or hate it?
  • Electric vehicles… when will the infrastructure be sorted?

Remember if you’d like to listen to the new weekly show just subscribe via Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast

Awesome people we talked about today:

A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/

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