The Measuring Up Podcast is hosted on Spotify and you can listen to it for free here.

About the Show
The Measuring Up Podcast was the UK’s first and favourite commercial joinery podcast. It ran for 50 episodes from 26th March 2018 through to 24th February 2020. The show was hosted by Andy MacLellan (Gosforth Handyman on YouTube) and Peter Millard (10 Minute Workshop on YouTube) discussing the world of commercial woodworking from a UK perspective but to an international audience. Andy and Peter chatted about everything from winning customers through to tool talk and the daily challenges of self employment. The show was completely independent and privately funded via Patreon.
Access the After-shows
Although the Measuring Up Podcast has now ended, you can continue to get access to the full back catalogue of after-shows and special exclusive weekly episodes on Patreon.

Show Frequency
The show was launched on 26th March 2018 and was broadcast every 2 weeks, running in seasons of 10 episodes per season. From episode 11 onwards (season 2) an additional Patreon-only exclusive aftershow was released alongside the public episode. Then from episode 33 onwards the show evolved to include a special additional full weekly episode on Patreon (instead of the aftershow). Each episode went live on a Monday morning.