#019: We’re Not Ready. Merry Christmas 2018!

It’s Christmas Eve 2018 and the penultimate episode of this season! Peter’s had to cut MDF himself like some sort of animal and has even made some proper joints in actual wood. In the run-up to Christmas it’s all hands on deck to get customer jobs finished ready for the big day. We’re discussing the challenges of filming or photographing your work on site with poor lighting. Andy’s been geeking out on his web site, fondly remembering why he got out of IT. Ever wondered how much we pay for MDF? Find out in this episode. We’re also thinking about all the things we could make if, shudder the thought, we went full-time on YouTube. A very Merry Christmas from both of us! Access the aftershow at: https://www.patreon.com/measuringuppodcast


A massive thank you to all of our Patreon supporters and a special shout-out to all the folk listed on here: measuringuppodcast.com/hall-of-fame/

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